Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal celebrates grand opening
Published by Tom Mostyn,
Editorial Assistant
Hydrocarbon Engineering,
The grand opening has been celebrated for the Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal (RIPET), located in Prince Rupert, British Columbia – the first such export facility for propane in Canada. The facility, which is a joint venture of Altagas and Royal Vopak, began introducing propane feedstock in mid-April, and the first shipment departed the terminal on 23 May bound for customers in Asia.
“We are very excited about this important milestone in our good and strategic partnership with AltaGas. AltaGas is a well-respected Canadian company with experience in developing energy projects, while storage and handling of gas is an important strategic focus area for Vopak. This export facility opens market access for western Canadian producers to Asia, a premium market for propane,” said Eelco Hoekstra, Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of Royal Vopak.
Read the article online at: https://www.hydrocarbonengineering.com/refining/30052019/ridley-island-propane-export-terminal-celebrates-grand-opening/
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