Success for Clariant methanol synthesis catalyst in China
Published by Tom Mostyn,
Editorial Assistant
Hydrocarbon Engineering,
Clariant has announced that its methanol synthesis catalyst, MegaMax 800 is delivering good performance at the coal-to-liquid plant of China Energy Corp. (CHN Energy) Ningxia Coal Industry Co. Ltd (NCIC), located in Yinchuan, Ningxia Province, China. Installed at the plant in August 2018, MegaMax 800 achieved an anticipated operation load of 102% after just two months. The new catalyst’s fast and favourable start is due to its 40% higher productivity compared to previous generations.
Following its successful start-up, MegaMax 800’s has benefitted NCIC in several ways. The 1-million-ton per year methanol production plant is experiencing considerably higher yield at lower energy and feedstock costs. In addition, make-up gas consumption has dropped by 51 million m3/yr. These combined process improvements will have a dramatic effect on the producer’s cost savings, which are now expected to be approximately US$3 million annually. The facility is further reporting noticeably lower formation of by-products such as ethanol in the crude methanol product, which will undoubtedly add to its total profitability.
Stefan Heuser, Senior Vice President & General Manager Business Unit Catalysts at Clariant, commented, “We are delighted that our MegaMax 800 catalyst is providing NCIC the benefits we promised. The favourable results are significant! Not only because NCIC is one of China’s largest coal-to-chemicals producers, but also as it is the first customer for MegaMax 800 using the Lurgi LP methanol process in China. It is another example of how Clariant is able to offer perfectly compatible catalysts and technology to maximise production efficiency and reliability for our customers.”
China Energy Corporation Ningxia Coal Industry Co Ltd is the largest coal-to-chemicals company in China as well as globally. It owns and operates a world-class coal-to-liquids (CTL) methanol plant, which has used the Lurgi LP methanol synthesis process since 2016.
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