December 2014
The last issue of 2014 focuses on the ASEAN region with an article from Boston Consulting and 15 facts from in house to further your knowledge. We also take a look at safety with Contributing Editor, Gordon Cope, gas processing and treating with Rameshni and associates (part 2 to come in February 2015) and software with Intergraph CadWorx.
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World News
Contract awards, project updates, industry latest, news digest, diary dates, mergers and acquisitions
Taking an holistic view
Jaime Ruiz-Cabrero, Udo Jung and Asheesh Sastry, Boston Consulting Group, USA, discuss megasite development in the ASEAN region
Logistics: One, two, three
Bradford Cook, Sabin Metal Corp., USA, and Marcy Kurtz, Sabin International Logistics Corporation (SILC), USA, discuss how spent precious metal bearing catalysts can be moved around the globe quickly and cost effectively
Popcorn in light ends
Jessica M. Hancock and Debby Rossana, Nalco Champion, an Ecolab Company, USA, and Stefanus J. Korf, Dow Benelux B.V., The Netherlands, present a global survey of popcorn observations during ethylene production and include a method to diagnose industrial samples
Overcoming the design challenge: Part one
Stephen Santo and Mahin Rameshni, Rameshni & Associates Technology & Engineering (RATE), USA, discuss how the challenges involved in designing sulfur recovery units with a wide range of H2S concentrations can be overcome
Hard choices
Tim Connors, Ted Collins and Jeffrey Bolebruch, Blasch Precision Ceramics, Inc., USA, offer insights in material selection for abrasive applications with specific reference to the use of abrasion resistant alumina bonded silicon carbide air grid nozzles
Optimal analysis
Massimiliano Di Febo, Paganini Pasquale, and Gaetano Esposito, IPC, Italy, discuss the optimisation of centrifugal compressor performance analysis
Cryogenic dynamics
Yousef Jarrah, ACD LLC, USA, discusses centrifugal pump optimisation for LNG applications
Operational benefits
Matthew Shepherd, Paladon Systems, UK, discusses the operational advantages of self contained electro hydraulic valve automation systems
A software story
Vornel Walker, Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions Inc., USA, discusses the best approach to selecting plant software
The human factor
Gordon Cope, Contributing Editor, highlights how human factors engineering has the capacity to increase plant safety, and save money
Identifying new risks
Keith Baisden, ABB Consulting, UK, explains the role of risk assessment methodology in assuring process safety in the oil and gas sector
15 facts
This month we give you 15 facts on ASEAN
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