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Hydrocarbon Engineering - February 2010

Hydrocarbon Engineering - February 2010

The February 2010 issue includes the annual Pump and Valve Review. This feature provides an overview of the latest pump and valve technologies available to the HPI. Gordon Cope provides the regional report looking at the North American natural gas sector. This issue also includes a gas processing and treatment feature and a hydrogen generation feature.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - January 2010

Hydrocarbon Engineering - January 2010

David Hayes, Contributing Editor provides this month’s regional report, looking at developments in the Thai petrochemical industry. The current struggle being faced by biofuels to reach regulated demand is discussed by Gordon Cope. Also, this issue includes the annual Catalyst Review, which outlines the most advanced catalyst technologies available to the industry.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - December 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - December 2009

The December Regional Report from Nancy Yamaguchi, Contributing Editor, looks at North Africa’s oil and gas industry. Sulfur is a focus in this issue with articles from Gordon Cope, Hydrocarbon Engineering Correspondent, and Sandvik. Also, Bryan Research and Engineering Inc., begin their evaluation of general rules of thumb in amine sweetening unit design and operation.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - November 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - November 2009

In the November issue Contributing Editor, David Hayes, discusses South Korea's petrochemical market and the regional report from Strategic Decisions Group looks at ASEAN's energy industry. The issue also includes a hydrogen generation feature with articles from Foster Wheeler and Haldor Topsoe and catalyst technology is examined by BASF and Chevron Lummus Global. The annual Level Gauging Review is also included in this issue.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - October 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - October 2009

The October issue has a regional report from The Energy Resources Institute, India, tracing the history of India’s oil and gas industry and another from David Hayes providing an overview of Taiwan’s petrochemical industry. Software for the HPI is featured in this issue with articles from COADE, OR Soft and ProSim. BCCK Engineering and Haldor Topsoe also comment on nitrogen removal technologies.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - September 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - September 2009

The regional reports in the September issue turn towards South America. Nancy Yamaguchi discusses Argentina’s energy sector and Gordon Cope provides an overview of the South American natural gas sector. This issue also looks at emissions control with an article from Baker Hughes and safety systems with articles from Endress + Hauser, John Zink and TFEX Ltd.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - August 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - August 2009

On this month's cover: Converteam is a world leader in power conversion engineering. Building on over a century of experience, Converteam develops and provides solutions built around three core components: rotating machines, drives and process automation. Serving specialised sectors as well as its core markets in marine, oil and gas and offshore, energy and industry.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - July 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - July 2009

On this month's cover: Callidus Technologies by Honeywell designs and manufactures combustion equipment (heater burners,flares, gas/liquid thermal oxidisers) and selective catalytic reduction (SRC) equipment for the refining,petrochemical and power generation industries worldwide. Corporate offices, research and developmentcentre and primary fabrication facility are located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, with international offices inChina, India, Belgium and Brazil.

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - June 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - June 2009

On this month's cover: Natural gas often travels distances of several thousand kilometres. Gas compressor stations along thepipeline ensure the required transportation pressure. Safety requirements for these compressor stationsare very high. The gas compressor station at Elten, Germany, uses the latest technology to achieve the required safety integrity level (SIL).

In this issue


Hydrocarbon Engineering - May 2009

Hydrocarbon Engineering - May 2009

On this month's cover: Sulzer Pumps develops and supplies centrifugal pumps worldwide. Intensive research and development in fluid dynamics, processoriented products and special materials as well as reliable service help the division

In this issue

Showing 181 to 190 of 200 back issues