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API ready to work with Biden administration


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Hydrocarbon Engineering,

American Petroleum Institute (API) President and CEO Mike Sommers has issued the following statement regarding reports of President-elect Biden’s nominees for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Interior and Department of Energy.

“We stand ready to work with the President-elect’s nominees once confirmed to tackle the challenge of climate change by building on America’s progress in delivering affordable and reliable energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions to generational lows. Energy impacts every American and is not a partisan issue – it’s what modern life depends on.”

“In the year ahead, we will continue to advocate for policies that promote technological innovation, advance modern energy infrastructure and support access to natural gas and oil resources - both on federal and private lands - which will be critical to rebuilding our economy and maintaining America’s status as a global energy leader. We will also be watching closely to ensure that the incoming administration keeps President-elect Biden’s campaign promises to the energy workforce and protects the millions of jobs supported by our industry in states like New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania and across the country.”


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