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UK fuel facts and politics


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

FairFuelUK highlight some key findings from independent research from ComRes on fuel in the UK.

  • 15% of households say that the cost of vehicle fuel is the day to day cost they are most concerned about and 60% of households rank it in the top three concerns.
  • 69% of UK adults feel positive about a 3p cut in Fuel Duty and believe that it would benefit the economy or themselves personally.
  • 52% of people living in carless households agree reduction in Fuel Duty could benefit the UK economy.
  • 83% of Conservative and 83% of UKIP voters are supportive of a cut in Fuel Duty.
  • 67% of Labour and 66% of Liberal Democrat voters are in favour of a cut.
  • British adults greatly overestimate the proportion of tax revenue from road users spend on both local and national roads.
  • 40% of those intending to vote UKIP said that they would solidify their vote even more if UKIP were to make the 3p pledge.
  • The majority of British adults would be unlikely to change their vote to a party that pledged to cut Fuel Duty.
  • The majority of British adults in the 40 most marginal constituencies either have no trust in the political parties to understand road users, or simply don’t know who understands them.
  • Though none of the political parties generate much trust in their understanding of road users, the Labour Party comes top with 12% followed by the Conservatives at 10%.
  • 28% of residents in marginal seats say they don't know which party best understands road users.

Edited from report by Claira Lloyd

Are falling oil prices good or bad?

Jade Fu, Investment Manager at Heartwood Investment Management, suggests that the expected boost to the US consumer from falling oil prices outweighs the risks to the energy sector.

Asking for an oil price enquiry

FairFuelUK have asked for an oil price enquiry and have posed other questions to the Treasury Minister.