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AFPM on State of the Union


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

AFPM President Charles Drevna has commented on the State of the Union address:

“We’ve come to expect the President to embrace the oil and natural gas industries during his State of the Union Address and last night was no exception. The true measure of the Administration’s support for the fossil fuels industry, however, lies in the other 364 days, which for six years have been marked by regulatory obstructionism.

“The President was of course correct in that the nation is freer from the grips of foreign oil than it has been in the last 30 years, but that accomplishment is due to the domestic oil and natural gas industries whose dedication to the exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons, fuels and petrochemicals have prevailed despite operating in a climate of overregulation and uncertainty.

“While it’s true that companies are returning their manufacturing to the US, it remains to be seen if it continues if the Administration is set on erecting roadblocks like unachievable ozone regulations that will prevent us from building a better future.

“AFPM would also agree that the nation’s booming energy production frees us to write our own future, but questions whether we can realize our true potential as long as the President holds the pen”.

Adapted from a press release by Emma McAleavey.


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