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Hitting a safety milestone


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

Developed for industry by leading employers, academics, regulatory authorities and employer representatives, the popular major accident hazard/process safety training programme has been delivered in over 20 countries around the globe and continues to make strides in the domestic major hazard industries.

Unlike many other forms of process safety training, a heavy focus is placed on improving process safety understanding in the boardroom, which is subsequently rolled out in companies from the top down, a model which has proven to improve the understanding of process safety globally across the business. The emphasis is on improving process safety culture also sets it apart from more traditional courses with a more technical focus. And the suite is the only one to be underpinned by National Standards approved by the PSM Competence Programme Board.

Now a barometer of competence in the major hazard industries, the Competent Authority will look favourably on organisations during routine inspections, if operators can evidence such training taking place.


Richard Roff, Chair, UK Process Saftey Management Project Board commented, “reaching a milestone like this is significant for two reasons; it is an excellent mark in the sand and shows how far we’ve come and how management training that they are missing out.”

Alex Slater, Head of Course Operations, Cogent Skills said, “we are absolutely delighted to reach this milestone. The suite of courses are proving very popular because they offer both practical training and official recognition to help individuals to prove their competence in their future careers.”

Edited from press release by Claira Lloyd


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