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US-Israel collaboration on natural gas technologies


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Hydrocarbon Engineering,

A Request for Information (RFI) by the BIRD Foundation will assess the potential of a US and Israel collaboration on innovative natural gas (NG) technologies, such as: reservoir characterisation, big data management, imaging, physical security, robotics, seismicity, sensors, visualisation, water treatment and many others.

Natural gas (NG) technologies have become increasingly important to the US and Israel. In the US, new technologies are needed to prudently and safely continue the extraction of large amounts of shale gas. In Israel, the relatively recent discoveries of significant offshore NG reservoirs have caused the country to become increasingly dependent on this energy source.

In 2009, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources (MIEW) established a cooperation programme, managed by the Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation. The programme, BIRD Energy, is focused on renewable energy and energy efficiency. In December 2014, the US-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014 encouraged the expansion of the cooperation to include NG technologies.

In May 2015, the Israel Office of the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Economy and Industry published a detailed survey of close to 150 Israeli companies and technologies relevant to the oil and gas industry, which indicates the potential value that Israeli knowledge-based companies can bring to the sector.

Adapted from press release by Francesca Brindle