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CPG announces two open seasons


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

Columbia Pipeline Group (CPG) recently announced binding open seasons for two new natural gas infrastructure projects that will enhance outlets for customers in the Appalachian Region.

The Mountaineer XPress (MXP) and Gulf XPress (GXP) projects provide valuable transportation options for growing Marcellus and Utica shale supplies.

“By offering attractive netbacks for producers and access to new gas supplies for LDCs and end-users, these projects are effective solutions to meet the needs of all our customers,” said Stanley G. Chapman III, CPG Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer. “We believe customers will be pleased with these proposed outlets for Marcellus and Utica gas and anticipate a strong response to both open seasons.”

Mountaineer XPress will include approximately 150 miles of new pipeline and provide approximately 2.7 billion ft3/d of firm transportation capacity from existing and future points of receipt along or near CPG’s system. This includes close proximity to most of the region’s third party processing plants across Appalachia, with deliveries to the TCO Pool; Leach, Ky., at an existing point of interconnection between TCO and CPG subsidiary Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC (CGT); and other mutually agreeable points.

Gulf XPress will include the installation of compression to existing and new stations along CGT’s existing system, as well as limited pipeline looping, system modifications and related facilities. The project will provide approximately 860 000 Dth/d of firm transportation capacity from Leach, Ky., and other mutually agreeable points along CGT’s system, to the Mainline Pool; Rayne, La.; and other mutually agreeable points.

Edited from various sources by Hannah Priestley-Eaton