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PPDM holds successful data management symposia


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

The Professional Petroleum Data Management Association (PPDM) has reported that the recent symposia in Perth and Brisbane were a great success.

During a two-week period in August, over 100 professional data managers from the Asia-Pacific petroleum and resource industry met for a day of workshops and two days of symposia, discussing Big Data and professional certification, and covering history from the mastery of fire to the latest ‘Hackathon’, and referencing everything from clay tablets to petaflop computing.

Organised and hosted by PPDM, the meetings brought together industry experts and practitioners to address technical standards and how data, information and knowledge add value to high-tech and capital intensive oil and gas projects.


The Brisbane workshop featured a presentation on visualisation and analytics of business data from a Senior Business Intelligence Architect at Santos, discussions on the fragility of storage media, and an update on the status of digital well data in Australia.

Interactive workshop sessions covered topical themes in petroleum data management, including the mix of personality, training, education and experience needed for successful data management, the most important tools that data managers need, and the future of the profession in two, five, and ten years.


In Perth, the theme was ‘Making Today's Vision Tomorrow's Reality’ and highlighted collective action and community building. The agenda included technical presentations from operators, vendors, government regulators, consultants and academia, along with a 20/20 (20 minutes of presentation and 20 minutes of audience conversation) session on conservation of data quality, a workshop on data types and metadata, and three sessions around professional certification, job descriptions and testing.


Jess Kozman, Mubadala Petroleum, commented: “Audience feedback suggested the highlight was a presentation from Resources Innovation through Information Technology (RIIT) about their Open Data Innovation Event (otherwise known as a “Hackathon”), at which developers and coders had 54 hours to prototype solutions to industry problems using open data from the industry and well-defined problem sets”.

PPDM is actively pursuing a similar event for the petroleum industry. Trudy Curtis, CEO of PPDM, added: “It’s great to see the engagement in Data Management, and in particular the subject of professionalisation and certification. We are keen to see Data Management viewed as a career goal in the future, and the momentum from these events is incredibly positive.”

Adapted from press release by Katie Woodward