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Statement on the TSCA markup


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

AFPM President Charles T. Drevna issued a statement on 25th July on the markup of the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011. This is legislation on the TSCA by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.


‘AFPM is disappointed that Senator Lautenberg chose to pursue a partisan makeup of a bill over the substantive and effective modernisation of TSCA envisioned by bipartisan negotiations. While there may have been some improvements, stakeholders had no opportunity to review or provide comments on the new draft, which was released less than 24 hours before the markup. Unfortunately, it appears the legislation is still a far cry from workable modernisation that could have been crafted through good faith, bipartisan negotiations. While AFPM remains committed to pursuing responsible TSCA reform, today’s markup represents a step backward.’

Adapted from press release by Claira Lloyd.


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