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Biofuels news from around the world


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

Governor Segun Oni of Ekiti State, Nigeria has announced that mini biofuel refineries are going to be constructed in 16 areas of the State. Crownek, a Brazilian based green energy company, will construct the facilities. The first plant will process 1000 ltrs/d of ethanol fuel and be constructed in Lyemero, Ikole Local Area.

North America
Construction of the Posey County ethanol plant, Mount Vernon, Indiana has resumed. Construction first began in 2007 however, after Aventine Renewable Energy, Illinois filed for bankruptcy as the cost of ethanol production had increased and construction came to a complete halt at the start of 2009. The facility was 90% complete when work stopped and now that Aventine are no longer in financial trouble, it is estimated that the plant will be online by the end of the year.

The Promethean Biofuels Cooperative Corp. biorefinery, which opened in February this year, is on the hunt for used oil and cooking grease. The refinery was constructed with a US$ 500 000 from investors and donors and has the capacity to produce 1.5 million gal./y of road worthy biodiesel. The facility accepts donations of all oils such as peanut and kitchen grease with major donators being schools and restaurants. The only people who can buy biodiesel from the refinery are coop members. The fuel currently sells for 10 – 15 cents less per gall. than regular diesel.

Renewable Energy Group has purchased two Mid West biodiesel refineries. The company have purchased the Newton, Iowa facility with the capacity to process 30 million gall./y and the Danville, Illinois plant with the capacity to process 45 million gall./y.

Future Fuels, a subsidiary of Future Capital Partners has received planning permission for a bioethanol refinery at a site in Grimsby, UK. The facility will be a joint venture between Future Capital Partners and Vireol. Construction is estimated to cost £ 200 million and as well as producing bioethanol will produce distillers dried grains and solids from wheat.