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Increasing natural gas rates


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

PSE has filed a request with Washington, USA, state regulators to increase natural gas rates for the upcoming winter season by 1.5%, effective 1st November. If approved by the Utilities and Transportation Commission, the proposed Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) will increase a typical household’s natural gas bill by 1.4% or US$ 1.07 to US$ 78.55. This is apparently what PSE customers were paying in 2010. Commercial rates will increase by approximately 1.6%.

The PGA increase apparently reflects a reduction of a credit included in current rates for the cost of natural gas supplies PSE purchased for customers. While domestic supplies of natural gas are abundant, the wholesale price of natural gas has increased significantly in the past year.

PGA is a UTC approved mechanism that allows Washington state’s natural gas utilities to periodically adjust rates up or down to reflect changes in the price of the natural gas supplies that utilities purchase and deliver to customers. PSE does not financial profit or lose on the cost of natural gas purchased for customers. 

Adapted from a press release by Claira Lloyd.


Natural gas price movements

Following a US Energy Information Administration report natural gas prices shifted.