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Storage plans abandoned


Hydrocarbon Engineering,


Plans to build a full scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) plant at the Statoil Mongstad refinery have been abandoned. The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy have said that the country will now look towards developing at least one full scale project by 2020 at a different location. The abandoned project was dubbed as the country’s ‘moon landing’ and was budgeted to cost US$ 1 billion.

Plans for the Statoil facility were first made in 2006 and an agreement was signed with the petroleum minister. The project was to be developed and executed in two parts and was hailed as being a good export technology for the country once developed.


Centrica has announced that it will not follow through with two gas storage projects. It is now feared that this move will leave the UK more dependent on foreign gas imports. The facilities were planned for Caythorpe, East Yorkshire and the North Sea and have been shelved as the government have apparently decided not to subsidise new gas storage projects. The UK now only has 15 days of stored gas supply.

Edited from various sources by Claira Lloyd.


Natural gas price movements

Following a US Energy Information Administration report natural gas prices shifted.