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US voters say natural gas exports will create jobs


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

According to a poll released by the API, strong, bipartisan majorities of registered US voters recognise the benefits of exporting US natural gas. John Felmy, API Chief Economist said of the poll, ‘voters understand that natural gas exports will create thousands of jobs and strengthen American’s position on the international stage. America is now the world’s top natural gas producer, and US workers are ready to harness that energy to help our allies around the world and cut the trade deficit.’

Poll highlights

  • 70% of registered voters agree that exporting natural gas helps create American jobs, including 79% of Republicans and 66% of Democrats.
  • 60% say exporting natural gas helps reduce the trade deficit, including 68% of voters between the ages of 18 and 34.
  • 67% say that exporting natural gas is good for the US economy, including 73% of male voters and 61% of female voters.
  • 64% agree that exporting natural gas helps strengthen America’s energy security by making the US a major supplier to the world’s energy market.


Felmy said, ‘the economic benefits are well established. Policymakers should act now to accelerate Department of Energy approval for dozens of pending export applications. Voters will welcome efforts to lock in America’s trade advantage as an energy superpower.’

Felmy is also a supporter of congressional efforts to fast track US exports of LNG, including legislation H.R.6, approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on 30 April this year. The bill is expected to reach the House floor for vote this summer, and related proposals have received bipartisan support in the Senate.

Adapted from press release by Claira Lloyd. View more LNG news at


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