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API comment on EPA’s greenhouse gas decision


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

API Director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Howard Feldman called on the administration to reconsider its greenhouse gas regulations for refineries in light of EPA data released today:

‘EPA’s data confirm that there is no justification for its to impose new greenhouse gas New Source Performance Standards on refineries. Refineries continue to comprise a small fraction of the national greenhouse gas inventory and are already one of the most regulated industries in America. Air quality continues to improve and we're doing our part.’

‘The administration has long been talking about eliminating unnecessary regulations that could be harmful to the economy and job creation. The last thing we need now are more burdensome or unnecessary regulations that will create a drag on business efforts to invest, expand and put people back to work.’

EPA said that refineries represent only 6% of the emissions covered in today’s data release on greenhouse gas emissions from major sources nationwide.