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Oregon’s low carbon fuel standard


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

AFPM President Charles T. Drevna has issued a statement in response to the decision made by the state of Oregon to move forward with a LCFS.

The statement

‘Oregon’s decision to move forward with a low carbon fuel standard is unfortunate for the residents and business owners in that state. This program would have no impact on global climate change and could actually increase greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the program could jeopardise the state’s fuel supply and disadvantage consumers by mandating the use of more expensive fuels.

‘Oregon receives all of its petroleum based transportation fuels from outside the state. The LCFS will cause out of state providers to incur added costs, which could disadvantage Oregon’s consumers.

‘Instituting an LCFS that was closely modelled after a program in California that has been deemed unconstitutional by a federal district court and is considered to be infeasible is not in the best interest of the people of Oregon. One study has shown that compliance with the California LCFS program could cost upwards of US$ 40 billion, in California alone. Oregon, like much of the nation, is currently recovering from the recession. This decision is bound to weaken the state’s economy and hinder its recovery.’

Adapted from press release by Claira Lloyd.