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New hydrogen fuelling station for Air Products


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

Air Products’ newest hydrogen fuelling station, a SmartFuel® branded station located in Torrance, California, USA, is installed and operational at Honda’s R&D headquarters. The private station incorporates many technology advancements and is being touted by Air Products as a model for how rapidly a hydrogen fuelling station can be constructed at a site, and its related infrastructure can be placed into operation. Completion time at this new station from contract signing, through construction, and to final commissioning with hydrogen, was just seven months.


Ed Kiczek, global business director, Hydrogen Energy Systems, Air Products said, ‘our priority focus is always on safety. This new station, however, shows just how far we have come in our ability to put hydrogen fuelling stations and other needed infrastructure into operation in an expedited manner, while complying with our safety mandate, by using a product based approach. Our new fuelling station model allows for replication, and going forward we believe we can accomplish fuelling projects like this safely in even less time. We have definitely benefitted from incorporating some of the practices gained in our fuelling work with the material handling market, where we have been able to get hydrogen fuelling stations up and running in as little as six weeks.’

Adapted from a press release by Claira Lloyd.


Safe Loading Pass Scheme

UK Petroleum Industry Association supports the safe loading pass scheme for fuel.