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API praises the EPA and asks for reconsideration elsewhere


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

American Petroleum Institute (API) Director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Howard Feldman praised the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision on 7th December to delay its final rules for boilers and incinerators.

‘API welcomes EPA’s request for more time to reconsider its proposed rules for boilers and incinerators. They appear to have recognised that their current proposal was unworkable and would have harmed American businesses and cost jobs. Consistent with our previous comments, we believe the reproposed and final rule should reflect that work practices are the only appropriate controls for all gas fired units.’

‘We hope EPA will reconsider other costly and unworkable proposals as well, such as the ozone NAAQS and greenhouse gas regulations. EPA’s mission can and should be met through scientifically sound, cost effective measures that allow for continued growth and job creation.’