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Downstream news from Africa and Asia


Hydrocarbon Engineering,


Kuwaiti government has announced interest in building a refinery in Indonesia. The US$ 7 billion proposed facility will help supply some of the much needed refining capacity to the country. At the moment, Indonesia’s refineries only fill 60% of the country’s demand for oil products.


Namibia and Angola’s energy ministries have been in discussion recently over constructing an oil refinery and storage terminal along the boarder between the two countries. A Memorandum of Understanding has been finalised by the two participating countries and will be signed later this year.


It has been reported that during the last six months of 2012, the Nigerian Navy destroyed over 7378 illegal refineries. It also destroyed over 908 canoes and arrested 40 vessels all used to steal crude oil from legal and legitimate sources.


US based investment firm Taylor-DeJongh has been hired by the Ugandan government to advice on the construction of a new refinery in the country. The Ugandan government are looking to spend US$ 2 billion on the facility to process oil from the Lake Albertine Rift basin. The country is looking to have the new facility online by 2019.

Adapted from various sources by Claira Lloyd.