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CNG coming to South Florida


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

MCM Construction LLC and Clean Energy Fuels Corp. have announced a joint venture to bring a CNG fuelling states to Miami-Dade County in South Florida. The venture is responding to the Miami-Dade Country request for qualifications for CNG fuel savings pool. A dedicated website for the project can be found at

Comments on the project

Pedro Munilla, cofounder and VP of MCM said, ‘the country is quickly switching to natural gas, cleaner, less expensive and domestic, to fuel fleet vehicles and Miami-Dade county should be no exception. When MCM decided to expand our decades of construction experience and knowledge of South Florida to this market, we knew we had to partner with the best fuel provider and we found that in Clean Energy.’

Peter Grace, senior VP, sales and finance, Clean Energy said, ‘Clean Energy and MCM are a powerhouse team which combines the 30 year heavy civil construction and local Miami expertise of MCM with the national leader in natural gas fuelling, infrastructure and financing solutions, Clean Energy.’

Adapted from a press release by Claira Lloyd.