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ExxonMobil summer jobs program


Hydrocarbon Engineering,

The ExxonMobil Community Summer Jobs Program kicked off its 39th year on 1st June 2010 in 12 states across the USA. The program is one of ExxonMobil’s signature community programs and helps 270 non-profits across America employ college students for eight weeks each summer. The students receive a paid internship introducing them to a wide variety of community service organisations and giving them hands on experience related to their field of study. Selected non-profit agencies receive much needed support during peak summer months from students viewed as future community leaders.

Program overview

ExxonMobil has provided US$ 16.3 million to fund nearly 4400 internships since the program was founded in 1971. In 2010, ExxonMobil will contribute more than US$ 950 000 to fund 320 positions in Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia and Wyoming. The program has extended to New Jersey this summer for the first time.

Non-profit organisations selected for the program span a wide range of missions, including health, social services, education, arts and emergency assistance. While working with these organisations, interns gain hands on experience related to their career paths, from social work and volunteer coordination to website management and marketing.


‘The Community Summer Jobs Program gives us a unique opportunity to support non-profits while offering valuable experience to talented college students,’ said Robert Lanyon, corporate citizenship and community investments manager for ExxonMobil. ‘This program benefits not only the participating students and non-profits, but also makes a difference in the lives of our neighbours who are served by these agencies. We are proud to continue our partnerships with communities across the country and look forward to seeing the positive impact our interns make this year.’

In addition to their partnerships, students also participate in professional development activities and group service projects in their respective cities. Interns are paid for all time spent in the program.